

The Faith of Samson

The Faith of Samson By Derek Long
Hebrews 11 contains references to several great heroes of faith. Samson is listed as an example of faith. Hebrews 11:32 says, “And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets.” How does Samson serve as an example of faith for us today?
Samson served as judge of Israel for twenty years (Judges 16:31). His parents were told of his task before he was born. He was to be a Nazarite to God from his birth (Judges 13:3-5). He is most often remembered for his superhuman strength displayed on various occasions during his life. He was able to kill a lion which came roaring against him with his bare hands (Judges 14:5-6). He was able to kill thirty Philistines to give their clothing to the men who solved his riddle (Judges 14:19). He was able to break lose from two new ropes as though they were flax burned with fire and then killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey (Judges 15:14-16). When he was surrounded in the city of Gaza, he escapes and carries off the gates, gateposts, bar and all (Judges 16:3). He is able to escape from different means the lords of the Philistines used to try to limit his power (Judges 16:6-14). At his death he pulls down the temple of Dagon, killing himself and several Philistines in the process (Judges 16:26-30).
The source of Samson’s strength on these occasions was the Lord. Many of these instances will speak of the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him (Judges 14:6, 19; 15:14). When the Lord departs from Samson, he no longer possesses the strength he once possessed (Judges 16:20). When he turns to God for strength once again at the end of his life, he regains his strength (Judges 16:28). God used Samson for a purpose of beginning to deliver Israel from the Philistines although at times Samson’s motivation seems to be to simply avenge himself against the Philistines. Samson does realize the source of his strength though comes as a result of God (Judges 16:17). Samson also faced situations in life where he acknowledges his need to be delivered by God (Judges 15:18-20). Samson realized without God he could not deliver himself from every evil which might befall him in life.
Samson at times lived and made decisions without regard for God’s will. For example, he married a Philistine which was not what God wanted for his people (Judges 14:2-3). The fact Samson is given as an example of faith in Hebrews 11 though does not mean every decision he made was right or should be imitated in our lives. Many of the characters of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 made decisions which were wrong and we should not imitate. Rahab lied, Abraham deceived people, etc. and yet these individuals do display a faith in God in making certain decisions in their life.
Samson despite making bad decisions which were not in harmony with God’s word does provide us with examples of what it means to have faith and trust in God. Samson shows us
the great power available to us if we are willing to serve God. God may not provide you and I the same sort of superhuman, physical power Samson was given. God does provide us with strength though to resist every temptation the devil throws our way (1 Corinthians 10:13). God provides us with the strength and ability to serve Him no matter what situation we may find ourselves in (Philippians 4:13). God is able to provide us with more than we might ask or think (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Samson reminds us of the ability to return to God. God departed from Samson (Judges 16:20) and yet God returned to Samson (Judges 16:28-30). There are some today who claim a person who has a relationship with God can never fall from God’s grace. Samson shows it is possible to fall out of God’s favor. Samson also shows how a person who falls out of God’s favor can once again be restored and brought back to God. God today wants people to come back to Him not trusting in themselves but in the power of God to save and deliver them from the mess they have gotten themselves into.
Hopefully the faith of Samson will help us to live lives of faithfulness in service to God today!