

“When Vileness Is Exalted Among the Sons of Men”

“When Vileness Is Exalted Among the Sons of Men” By Derek Long

Psalm 12 begins with words we might be familiar with and may describe how we feel at times living in a world of wickedness. It begins by saying, “Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases! For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men” (NKJV). It is easy to look out into the world and feel like godliness and faithfulness are quickly disappearing. The Psalm ends with a statement we may not be quite as familiar with but equally might catch our attention in our day and age. It ends by saying, “The wicked prowl on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men” (NKJV). The last verse of the Psalm may help us to see how when vileness is exalted it is going to result in godliness and faithfulness to become rarer. In about the middle of the Psalm, we are given an insight into how such wicked individuals often think. Psalm 12:3-4 says, “May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaks proud things, who have said, ‘With our tongue we will prevail; our lips are our own; who is lord over us?’” (NKJV). Here are people who basically feel free to do whatever they want to do and believe they are not accountable to anyone for their actions. Let’s make some applications of these thoughts to our present day situation! How is “vileness” being exalted in our world today? Vileness is being exalted in our world today by the acceptance of homosexual, transgender, and similar practices. Throughout the month of June I have received e-mails from different companies talking about the fact June is supposed to be “Pride month” for these sinful sexual practices. In the last couple of weeks, I have also received e-mails relating to a ruling made by the Supreme Court of the United States recently granting homosexual and transgender people protection from discrimination in the workplace. These efforts all seem to be geared to exalting the Bible depicts as vileness. Romans 1:26-27 says the following regarding homosexual practices, “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due” (NKJV). 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 lists homosexuality as unrighteousness and teaches those who do not repent of such will not inherit the kingdom of God. The transgender issue seems to have forgotten God has created mankind either male or female (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4). It is sad to see vileness of this sort be exalted in the society in which we are living. Vileness is being exalted in our world today by the proponents of the consumption of alcohol. The Bible plainly warns about the dangers presented by the consumption of alcohol (Proverbs 20:1; 23:29-35). Television commercials, TV shows, and many more things in our society though seek to exalt this vile practice. The New Testament teaches us to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages whether engaged in moderately or excessively. 1 Peter 4:3 says, “For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles - when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries” (NKJV). Vileness is being exalted in our world today in the acceptance of fornication and adultery. Hebrews 13:4 says, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (NKJV). People having sexual relationships prior to marriage, outside of marriage, or living in an unlawful marriage, which is a form of adultery (Matthew 5:32; 19:9), have become viewed as a normal way of life but such are sins and a form of vileness which has sadly become exalted. Television shows, songs, and many other things speak of such actions as something great but God’s word plainly teaches such things are sinful. Vileness is being exalted in our world today through pornographic material. Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28, “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (NKJV). Pornographic material only can survive because people are willing to engage in such vileness. Our minds need to be set on pure thoughts rather on thoughts of an ungodly sort (Philippians 4:8). Vileness is being exalted in our world today through the religious division caused by denominationalism. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists among the things the Lord hates as “one who sows discord among brethren.” Those who today insist on following the creeds, catechisms, confessions, manuals, disciplines, and doctrines of men instead of going back and allowing the Bible alone to be our guidebook are sowing discord and exalting vileness in the world around us. Remember it was Jesus’ prayer that all His disciples be united (John 17:20-23). Remember Paul pleaded with the Corinthians to all speak the same thing and have the same mind and the same judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). Let us not exalt vileness of following after manmade religion instead of encouraging people to be members of the church you can read about in the Bible. We could discuss many other forms of vileness being exalted in our day and age (abortion, dancing, gambling, immodest dress, etc.) but hopefully these thoughts help us see some areas where such is occurring. Let us determine to be lights in a world filled with wickedness like Noah and several other faithful individuals were throughout history (Philippians 2:15). Let us be determined not to become conformed to this world (Romans 12:1-2) but to continue to walk along the narrow path which leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14).